r5501 is now live


What’s New In Swift?
Swift has been updated to release 5501. Here is a short summary of all the important changes


Fabrics tab
CMT styles can now have their fabrics manually added rather than having the fabrics imported from the materials being used
Why: This makes adding fabric detail to CMT styles easier.


AQL tab
We have added a confirmation notice that an AQL approval request has been sent.
Why: This gives assurance to users that the email has been sent

FC Currency
The buying currency (FC) for the indent is now in the indent HEADER of the indent. This means that an indent can only have a single buying currency (the currency the supplier will be paid in)
Why: We don’t want the possibility of a single indent having different currencies for different colourways

Item Number
This has now been removed. Item numbers are added on the PO, and will be displayed on the indent if the PO is added
Why: This information was been duplicated on the PO and no one knew where the correct information was being stored.

Total Units
The total units box is now read-only. Users must enter units in the size points. This is to stop users
forgetting to go back and enter correct units per size
Why: Some users were creating lines with zero units in the size points and only filling in the total units, they
were forgetting to go back and fill in the correct units


PO Dates
PO Dates now have versioning in the same way that indent dates do.
Why: We want to keep better track of date changes

Rates of exchange
We now save the spot rate of exchange between the PO and the Indent. This will be important for reports later on if the indent selling currency is different to the PO currency
Why: We will be using this information in future financial reports.

Total Units
The total units box is now read-only. Users must enter units in the size points. This is to stop users
forgetting to go back and enter correct units per size
Why: Some users were creating lines with zero units in the size points and only filling in the total units, they were forgetting to go back and fill in the correct units


Search screen
The shipping search screen has had some under-the-skin changes to it that helps when suppliers are logging in
Why: When suppliers were searching for containers the search was very slow

Shipping Variance Report
Updated labels on the shipping variance report to better indicate whether containers are locked
Why: This makes the report easier to read


Packing Lists
If you are using stock control procedures in Swift, Packing Lists will now alert you to low stock
Why: This gives you the option to better control stock

Removed authentication from the waybill field. It is now autogenerated if left blank.
Why: Not all packing lists require a waybill and this makes it easier to use.

Added priority column to the unposted packing list homepage report. Priority will always be normal unless the linked PO to the packing list is of origin type walk in
Why: This allows warehouse staff to prioritize packing lists

When a packing list is created off a PO, all lines on the PO can be added to it by default
Why: This makes creating the packing list from the PO faster


Decimal formats now preserved when writing units from PO to invoice
Why: This was a bug

Item Numbers
The item number from the PO will be physically written into the invoice only on posting. This allows users to adjust the item numbers on the PO before the invoice is posted
Why: This allows users to add missing item number to the PO before the invoice is posted


Users Admin
When searching for a user, the team shows now on the search grid (if teams are enabled)
Why: This makes finding users across multiple teams easier


Forward Cover Report
This report has been made easier to read and slightly more flexible.
Why: This is a quality of life change

Homepage reports
There is a new user right called HOMEPAGE: VIEW ALL. This will let someone see all records in the
homepage report rather than just their own
Why: This gives the option for certain staff members to see ALL issues

Categories: New Version
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